Shikakai Pods mild a chemical free shampoo in Dubai – GreenTree skincare in UAE

GreenTree Shikakai is a natural and mild cleanser that adds to the strength and overall health of scalp and hair.

• Low pH ensures the moisture and oils stay locked in the hair
• Multi-purpose product; mildly cleanses and nourishes
• Smoothens and softens the hair
• Adds shine and strength
• Has anti-fungal properties
• Fights dandruff and hair fall

AED 32.00

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GreenTree Shikakai

Grandma’s secret to everlasting beautiful hair

Get Shikakai ayurvedic hair treatment in Abu Dhabi. It is also used as a mild shampoo and is also available in Dubai and across UAE

If you are looking for a truly natural and herbal cleanser for your hair you are at the right place. We at GreenTree advocate the fact that natural and herbal hair care alternatives are better at revitalizing your hair instead of regular chemical based, over the counter, hair care products.

If you happen to know someone who is older and has used herbal hair care range throughout their life you will see that they actually have more black hair on their heads than an average teenager today.

Shikakai has been used since ages as a natural hair wash and conditioner. There are numerous reasons why Shikakai must find a suitable place in your hair care routine.

Shikakai is a mild cleanser that gently cleanses and nourishes the scalp. As they say health of the scalp determines the hair health, using Shikakai as a herbal hair treatment goes a long way in tackling many hair related issues.

GreenTree Shikakai has a low pH value thus it does not strip the hair of its natural oils; Thus not making it mandatory to use a conditioner or detangler after hair-wash.

Additional information

Weight 200 g
How to use

• Shikakai contains vitamin C and D, along with other properties that make it ideal for hair care.
• The natural ingredients of shikakai make your hair softer and add a beautiful shine to it.
• The anti-fungal properties of shikakai nourish your scalp and prevent itching and dryness. Used regularly, shikakai can cure dandruff
• Shikakai strengthens hair roots. The result is stronger and healthier hair, with lesser hair fall.
• How to make shikakai shampoo: Boil a few dried shikakai pods, little reetha and dried amla and leave overnight. Mash and strain the liquid, and use it as your shampoo. Remember it will not lather as much as a readymade shampoo, but it does the job better.


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